Saturday, March 09, 2013

St. John's Annual Warden's Report

St. John’s Warden’s Report, 2012

2012 proved to be another challenging year in our Parish and our Church.  We have had many a stumbling block appear, we have suffered financially, we have had many deaths, we have had members step down from their positions, we have had our Parish Priest move west so that his family may be together.   But we have had positives as well.   Rev. Gloria was appointed Priest in Charge, and her husband Rev. Carl became our  Regional Dean, with these two wonderful people to help us and with Rev. Brenda as our Archdeacon  what a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow.  With their wisdom, strength, and open personalities new light shines on our Parish

The Parochial Committee was formed in December, and the Parish Profile is complete.  The open position of Parish Priest will be advertised across Canada shortly.  We thank our fellow warden’s at St. Andrew’s, Linda Symes and Sheldon MacKinnon,  as well as Wayne Budge and Kelvin Hussey who all worked many hours to develop the Parish Profile and were once again rewarded with a new sense of respect, strength and camaraderie between one another.   

We have talked at great lengths this past year about beginning a stewardship campaign, something we hope to get underway in the near future. 

We will have the job of doing some touchups to our buildings as an independent building inspection was done in the fall of 2012, and we hope to prioritize the list and begin the work in the spring.

The wonderful gift of windows from the memorial donations in the memory of Melvin Hardy will certainly be a beautiful addition to our already quaint hall.
Our finances are in somewhat stable condition, thanks to our loyal weekly contributors, to the ACW for their never-ending devotion and to
“The Friends of St. John’s”, spear headed by Ann Hussey. 

Our music ministry continues to grow with Adrianne Chapman-Gorey and our latest musician, Katelynn March, we thank you both for your wonderful gifts of music. 

To our extended Church ministries, those that do it all behind the scenes,  a huge thank you, your gifts that you constantly give without even thinking are never forgotten, we appreciate the snow removers, the altar guild, the side persons, the readers, our fellow vestry members, Dorothy who takes hall bookings, Stewart who is our go to guy, to Ewart for the hours of work maintaining the cemetery.  To Lenora and Keith for their excellent, bookkeeping skills, there are no words to fully express our constant gratitude to you both for your ministries.  To the people who donate to our functions and volunteer to help out in anyway we are indebted to you all.

As we journey into 2013 we are most thankful to our lay readers, Kelvin, Keith, Darlene, and those from St. Andrew’s (Sheldon, Linda, Valerie, Wayne, and Cheryl) we welcome you all gratefully into our Church to make our services possible while we await a new minister. 

To our families who gracefully permit us the time to give of ourselves to our Church, thank you for your unending support.


Clara and Eleanor

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