Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Parish Council July 5, 2010 draft

Parish Council Meeting
Ingonish, July 5, 2010

Helen read the minutes from our last meeting in was moved by Kelvin and seconded by Keith that they be approved as read.

Clara read the minutes from the Feb. 22nd meeting as requested as she did not show for the previous meeting and did not send the book with the minutes included. These minutes where moved by Keith and seconded by Steve to be adopted as read.

Those in Attendance:
Rhadie, Linda, Valerie, Helen, Steve, Kelvin, Dean, Mary, Clara, Bernice, Lenora, Keith, Rose and Rev Warren

Business arising from the minutes:
• There will be no cabbage roll supper
• Dean provided a copy of the letter that Kelvin had sent to Bishop Sue. Dean and Kelvin will be working on a new one together.
• Rev. Warren introduced the prayer beads and it was motioned by Rhadie and seconded by Helen that we sell the beads for $15. For the wooden ones and $20 for the glass. Rev. Warren determined that each Church will be billed according to what they sell. Linda asked Dean to include this in the newsletter.
• Rev. Warren reported that visitation is going well and are a result of the lists that folks are providing him with.
• July 12th will be the date of the Eucharistic workshop which will be held in St. Andrew’s Church
• July 26th will be the date of the Lay readers workshop which will be held in St. John’s Church
• 300th anniversary history book was on hand for those wanting a peak. If the Parish sells 20, they will cost $30 each.

• Dean mentioned the lack of information that he is receiving for the newsletters from the Ingonish wardens and Neil’s Harbour in general. He feels folks may feel that Neil’s Harbour may be feeling left out that is not his intention. Helen passed along information for Dean at the meeting to include in the next letter.
• Steve still has not heard anything on the letter that he sent out in regards to monies the Diocese feels our Parish owes for arrears payroll.
• Bible study had gone well the first night but no one has been in attendance since. It was suggested and agreed upon that we postpone the bible study until the fall.
• Compline service has been enjoyable and a summary of the services will be provided in the fall by Warren.
• Every Thursday during the summer the ecumenical family of reverends North of Smokey have been providing services in the unique Churches and this will continue.
• The Diocese has put a hold on its Non Stipendiary ministry program as it was felt by council to be loosing site of its intended cause. This is currently being looked at by their council.
• Warren asked how to ship the communion set to Quebec and it was suggested by Dean to use Star. Rev. Warren will inquire.
• Warren suggested that our Advent devotion perhaps might be to establish a Parish Vision Statement,


• Insurance letters that we received are wrong, the state that our deductable is $50000.00 and should read $5000, Helen will check with Bev on this matter.
• Ken Jante of Wander voyage pilgrim group sent a letter of thanks to St. Andrew’s and they will be returning on July 11th, 2010
• Home communion sets still have not been paid for $277.45; Helen will mention this to Bev.

• PWRDF envelopes have sent a card reminding if we are going to purchase from them the time is now.
• Anglican foundations monies are due. Keith motioned that we once again send the $50 and this was seconded by Steve. Warren will try and find the statement and send it to Bev to be paid.
• Peter Fleming has heard our request for financial training and has been in contact with Brenda Drake we will know more when things are finalized.

New Business:

• September 26th is Back to Church Sunday. Mary Lefriend and Warren are going organize this event. It will be held separately in each Church.
• Our Registered Charity form is complete.
• The main entrance door and floor at the Rectory needs to be fixed as it is rotting. Steve to contact Billy Hogan and Derek Smith to ask them to fix this. All materials to be ordered through the Home Hardware. This was motioned by Keith and seconded by Bernice.
• Helen asked Dean why St. John’s vestry minutes where not on line and Dean felt that they should be there although he had included in the newsletters that it would only be Parish Council minutes. This to be done by St. John’s after their next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Both St. John’s and St. Andrew’s reports where read: St. Andrew’s with a balance of $5317.59 in their general account and St. John’s with a total of $2609.48 in theirs.

• A motion to approve both financial reports was made by Keith and seconded by Helen.

Next meeting: September 27th 6:30pm, St. Andrew’s

Kelvin moved that this meeting by adjourned.