Monday, December 07, 2009

Parish Council October 6, 2009

PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES, OCT. 6TH., 2009, ST. JOHN’S HALLRev. Warren opened our meeting with a Bible reading, Matthew, ch. 6, verses 24-34.Each person had a turn to say what it meant to us. Minutes of May 11th.’s meeting were read & approved. Moved by Kelvin seconded by Steve.BUISS. ARRISING FR. MINUTES: Kelvin, Wayne & Sheldon spoke with Bishop Sue re repairs/upgrading made to the rectory this summer. Kelvin will contact Rev. Carl to see if work must be inspected before applying for monies. Clara will fax info to Kelvin & he will prepare a list of expense incurred & cost of work still to be completed - maybe a generator..CORRESPONDANCE: nilFINANCIAL REPORT: St. John’s: $37,149.98St. Andrews: #34,627.13Lenora didn’t get list of sharable from Bev. since March.Kelvin moved, Bernice seconded the financial report be accepted as read. M/CWARDEN’S REPORT: Neil’s harbour: We must get the basement at the rectory cleaned out & move the bureaus & area rugs Rev. Warren didn’t need down to the basement at the hall. Steve repaired the drain that was causing trouble in St. Andrew’s cemetery. We discussed our policy on Burial plots & after much discussion we decided we would revisit the pamphlets on Funeral Policies & Marriage Policies at our next meeting.Rev. Warren ordered a resource book which lists the daily readings, where to find them, the collect & the hymns to use.Helen to email Bev & ask if she has the insurance policy.Clara sent an email to the diocese to see how the moving expense is split & it will be St8%, St. Andrew’s 62%.The Annual Clergy Conference in Halifax will cost $300.00. The bishop requires Rev. Warren to attend. Kelvin moved to pay this, seconded by Dean. M/C Linda has the letter from Bishop Sue, Helen to forward it to Bev.We will have a joint service in Dec. It will be a service of New Ministry at 3pm.. The Covenant will be read at this service.Rev. Warren spoke about refugee families & how our region could be a sponsor. We would probably be a funded sponsorship & help a special needs family. The government would pay & the church sets up school enrolment, a tutor, a doctor, someone to help with language, ESL necessary & supporting their set up in the community. Regional Council asked all clergy to approach their parish Councils. Rev. Warren feels we could be a host & it would be a wonderful thing for our communities. For a 3 or 4 person family it would cost us between 1 to 3 thousand dollars per yr. & we would have to commit to helping the family /students until their language improves. At the end of 2 yrs. they would be on their own & would be free to live where they wanted. It was moved by Keith, seconded by Darlene that Rev. Warren approach the other denominations Nth. Of Smokey to see if they’re willing to make it a community event. Moving expense: $11,201.28. Clara has the moving expense policy. If Rev. warren moves before serving 3 yrs. He has to repay this expense. Helen to send a copy of the bill to Bev.. Kelvin will speak to Rev. Carl to see if out Celtic Concert monies can be used to pay this.Our new service schedule will be one 9am service, two 11am services & one 7pm service starting in Nov..Covenant: Clara explained how it was set up. She read it & it was accepted & will be signed at our Joint service. Kelvin complemented Rev. Warren, Rev. Fred & the parochial committee on the preparation of the covenant.Neil’s Harbour will have it’s All Soul’s Remembrance Service on Nov. 1st. At 7pm.. Rev. Warren will announce it in church on the Sunday’s leading up to the service. Kelvin asked St. Andrew’s if we had our Advent folders. Helen to contact Laura.It was moved by Kelvin, seconded by Keith we contact Peter Fleming or Rev. Brenda Drake re finance training/info. Rev. Warren said we are required to have a parish treasurer who is accountable to the church. Neil’s harbour must get a treasurer & Bev. Will bring the two churches finances together. Lots of discussion on this!!!We talked about the memorial Fund which goes into the General Fund unless those donating specify where they want it to go. We will discuss this with Peter Fleming or Rev. Brenda when they come. Bev will also attend this session. We will discuss what programs we would like to do, how much money we need to budget, etc.. The Warden’s & the treasurer must feel comfortable signing checks Dean said St. John’s was quite satisfied with Lenora’s work.Dean suggested the minutes should be put on a blog.Next Parish Council meeting will be on Dec. 1st. At Neil’s Harbour. Meeting closed with the Blessing.    In attendance: Rev. Warren, Dean, Linda, Keith, Rhadie, Lenora, Nancy, Mary, Bernice, Jolene, Valerie, Steve, Ivy, Darlene, Helen, Kelvin

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