Thursday, December 01, 2011

Special Parish Meeting - with Regional Dean, Gloria McLure-Fraser

Special meeting with Dean Gloria McLure Fraser on November 30th 2011 at St. John’s Hall

There were 40 in attendance and are as follows: Annie Budge, Kelvin Hussey, Dean Gloria, Rev. Warren, Michael and Adrianne Gorey, Selma Doucet, Barb Anderson, Clara Hardy Scott, Marilyn McKay, Donna Lynn MacLean, Lynn and Chris Gorey, Stella Hardy, Ewart Hardy, Dean and Mary Lefriend, Steve Coutts, Wilfred Lillington, Bunny McIssac, Heather McIssac, Dale Hussey, Jonathon Smith, Laura Rose, Winnie Seymour, Stewart Best, Keith Hussey, Lois Hardy, Darlene Williams, Helen Budge, Bernice Ingraham, Valerie and Sheldon MacKinnon, Jackie Organ, Kathy MacKinnon, Linda Symes, Katelynn March, Eleanor March, Rhadie Murphy, David Donovan.

Dean Gloria opened the meeting with a reading from Matthew.

Dean Gloria then asked those present why we were there.

Steve gave an explanation that finances are very low and expenses are up. Some valuable financial givers are no longer with St. Andrew’s and are not being replaced with new Church goers. The Lord’s Acre which is a voluntary $10 per week from each Anglican fisher is also down. The attendance at St. Andrew’s is from 20 to 30 which only represents a very small portion of the 120 family possibilities.

Linda Symes felt that there were not enough vestry members from St. Andrew’s as well.

Kelvin spoke that we follow the Canon 35 and it has been 38/62 sharing until our last meeting and on November 22nd a motion was put forward and agreed upon that the sharables be 50/50 with the understanding that they would once again be reviewed when the parochial returns were completed in the spring. St. John’s finances have not increase in fact are down a bit since this time last year so the feeling is that because we are paying an extra 12% we will be in the same financial situation that St. Andrew’s is by March or April. In order for the Parish to survive we need a solution.

There was some discussing about our Church cemetery funds being placed in the Consolidated Trust of the Diocese because both Churches have substantial amounts. Money in small amounts of not more then $2000 could be easily accessed within a few days when needed.

Dean Gloria then asked if St. Andrew’s had money.

Steve said there are 4 endowments: Lizzie Hawkins, Gallen Strickland, Martin Sweet and Feeney Crew, they total approximately $10.000, but they at present do not know the original wishes or how they were set up. Sheldon spoke that depleting these endowments would not solve the financial problem and Steve agreed but did suggest that access to these funds might be used to do much need repairs to the Church. Peter Fleming had been contacted by Steve and asked but he was not able to offer any assistance.

Another asset St. Andrew’s has is a few parcels of land. It was explained the Archdeacon Brenda has someone looking into what may or may not be permitted to do with these as well as a small parcel St. John’s has.

Valerie spoke about the fact the hall belonging to St. Andrew’s had been taken over by another group of 6 people and it has been wonderful. All the bills are being paid for the hall by the committee as well as the All Souls Chapel in the basement which is being heated by the committee and used by the Church after Christmas until spring therefore no heat or light bill would exist for St. Andrew’s for their Church during this time. The committee as well in return for the use of the hall pays the St. Andrew’s insurance on the Church and hall.

Dean Gloria suggested we list all bank accounts and institutions on our annual reports.

The 5/3 program is a program which is called “A Journey just begun”, where 5 questions are asked of the Parish and worked through by a facilitator one at a time. It may take more then one setting to do each question. Questions like, do all members know who they are and know what you have been called to do? Do we have the resources and leadership we need? What is our vision statement? What is it to be a Parish? Stewardship/Finances, stewardship not being just about money but time, talents, prayer and money.

Clergy should not be the facilitator perhaps someone from the Diocese would come out and that would be an expense. Clara asked if Dean Gloria would be willing and she said yes if that was our wish as she has the training. Clara was part of the “Freshstart” and feels that Dean Gloria would be most appropriate as a facilitator.

Kelvin asked if there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Will the Diocese help us out financially?

Both Dean Gloria and Selma suggested that Parish Relations should be contacted and they meet next Wednesday, the 7th of December and not again until two months. If a Parish is struggling with paying their allotment and for us to remember that allotment is not a tax it does far more we should contact Parish Relations. It was felt that a letter should be sent via email to the Parish Relations committee and the following: Bishop Ron Cutler, Peter Fleming and Gordon Redden. The letter should ask for forgiveness for a period of time because we are struggling. Mention that we have met several times as a Parish and that Dean Gloria was here and spoke with us as well about the Visioning Process.

Selma also suggested the “Growth for Ministry Fund”. They meet once a year and we may be able to access monies. They only meet once a year and she believed that to be in January.

Kelvin asked if someone from the Diocese would come here and talk to the Parish regarding the proper procedures for doing our finances and was reminded that Peter Fleming had travelled to the industrial part of Cape Breton last spring and noone from our Parish other then the minister had attended. Selma said yes, Peter Fleming will come and help us in anyway he can. Gloria was given a bit of a background about how finances are handled in our Parish. It all appears very confusing to most.

Sheldon said, “We need a solution.” He feels that we need to connect. Dean Gloria suggested that this comes from a personal invitation, not the Priest but the parishioners. There is a part in the visioning process that deals with visitation but it all takes people, time and energy.

Where are we at?
Steve and Kelvin will get together with Clara and Friday, Dec, 2nd to draft a letter to be sent to those mentioned. Dean Gloria will let us know when she hears from the Diocese about the Visioning process beginning.

David mentioned that everyone is here, this is it. Dean Gloria said then this is who we need to rejuvenate. She said it starts with us.

Dean Gloria asked if there were other questions and hearing none, Kelvin thanks the Dean for coming and we closed with the Doxology.