Wednesday, December 27, 2006

31 December 2006 - The First Sunday after Christmas

Our services this week are scheduled for:

9am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's
11am Holy Eucaharist, St. John's

The new calendar year is soon upon us!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Albert Harvey

This morning at 7am Mr. Albert Harvey died. All the people who knew him and loved him will miss him. There will be a visitation at the Fillmore-Whitman Funeral Home, Ingonish on 12 December from 2-4pm and 7-9pm. A Eucharistic Funeral Service will take place on 13 December, 2pm at St. John's Church, Ingonish.

Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord.
And may light perpetual shine upon him.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

10 December 2006 - the Second Sunday in Advent

Our services this week are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour
7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish

Come continue your journey with us through Advent and expectation of the coming of our Lord Jesus.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

3 December 2006 - the First Sunday in Advent

This week begins a whole new Christian Year so... Happy New Year!

Our services, this week, are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come, let us begin anticipating the coming of our Lord together.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

26 November 2006 - Christ the King

This week we have a joint service of the whole parish with a special focus on children, young people, and families. The service will be held at 11am at St. Andrew's Church, Neil's Harbour. The preachers for this service will be Maggie MacKinnon and Keriann Dowling who will be sharing with us their experiences around this year's Diocesan Youth Conference. All are welcome to attend and help worship Jesus, our Lord and our King.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

12 November 2006 - the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Our services this week are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour
7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish

Come and worship for all are welcome in the house of the Lord.

Remembrance Day

This week we mark Remembrace Day. A day to honour and remember all those who fought, and are fighting, for freedom from oppression. The services to comemorate this day are scheduled for:

9 November 2006, 2pm at Highland Manor, Neil's Harbour
11 November 2006, 10am at St. John's, Ingonish

Lest we forget... lest we forget.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

5 November 2006 - the Solemnity of All Saints

Our services, this week, are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come and worship our God, holding before Him so great a cloud of witnesses!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

29 October 2006 - the 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Our services, this week, are scheduled for:

11am Morning Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour
7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish

Fr. Elliott will be away at the Diocesan Youth Conference so the services will be lead by our capable lay leaders. Come and worship and support them.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

22 October 2006 - the 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Services this week are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come! Let us worship together!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

15 October 2006 - Leap for Faith Sunday

This week we will be hearing from Bishop Fred Hiltz via DVD in regards to the Diocese Capital Campaign, "Leap for Faith." Last year we heard from Bishop Fred and this year he wants to keep us updated as to the progress and effectiveness of the campaign.

Our services this week where we will hear from our bishop are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour
7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish

Come and worship, for all are welcome!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thanksgiving Letter

My dear Sisters and Brothers,

As I sit to write this letter my mind is drawn to think of all that I have to thank God for. This past year has been a year of many blessings, challenges and opportunities for me both personally and professionally. Primarily I must offer up to God my heartfelt thanksgivings for the healthy birth and beginning of Magdalene’s life. Wendy Faye and I have taken much delight to watch our daughter begin to develop into her own person. Magdalene is the joy of our lives and the apple of my eye. I now know what it is that God must have felt when he looked upon His Son and said, “This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

The support that this parish has shown us as we begin our lives as parents has been joyous to say the least. To you all who have sent cards, letters, gifts, food, etc. you have our gratitude and appreciation. God has blessed us with a community that rallies around our children and that is truly a great gift to give.

Professionally, I must give thanks for the new space that I am able to use for an office which has been graciously donated to us by the Buchanan Memorial Hospital. As I said in my letter of announcement I am thankful to the Facility Manager for making this opportunity possible. Many people have already made use of this opportunity and I look forward to many more such visits in the future. Also, this space has been of great value to me as a place for me to do the work that a priest must do. Writing sermons, reading and studying scripture, reading for on-going education, counselling people, prayer and meditation, preparation for Sunday services, administration and a host of other duties are what I get up to while I am in the office. Not to mention that it is good to have a more permanent spiritual presence in our little hospital. Please feel free to drop by during my posted office hours for a chat, you are all welcome. All of these things are blessings to be thankful for.

The challenges that have been before me – and that I thank God for – have been many and varied. The large number of funerals over that last few months have been very emotional times for our parish. The loss of a loved one is not always seen as a time of thanksgiving but for us who believe in the resurrection we can give thanks that their souls are living in the nearer presence of God where all is light and joy.

I have also been challenged, by our bishops, to be more involved in the wider church. I have let slide my obligations to our diocese and I must set aside more time to share. As a priest of the church I am called and obligated, and have vowed, to “take my place in the councils of the church” and am required by our bishop to offer myself upon at least one diocesan committee. While I am currently a member of the Youth Ministry Sub-Committee I have not attended a meeting in well over a year and this is not acceptable. I will be organizing my time in such a way that a bimonthly trip to those meetings will be a priority.

Thus I have many things to be thankful for and I do my best to express my thanks to God in what ways I can. Primarily I have come to see the blessings in offering back to God a portion of what He has blessed me with through my offering of money, to our parish and to our diocese. Giving back to God through a proportional amount of what has been given to me has been a source of great satisfaction and fulfillment in my life. I have found that the sacrifice of tithing has been worth the money.

As your priest, I would be quite remiss if I did not urge you all to give some serious thought to how it is that you give back to God in thanksgiving. Do you give back merely as an after thought or do you offer a true sacrifice to God in thanks for all that He has provided you? For the lobster, the crab, the cod and all of the other lucrative fishing stocks were not sown in the oceans by human hands they are placed there by the grace of God and we profit from those gifts. Thus it is only natural, and every Christians’ duty, that we should offer back a considered percentage of what it is that God has given us.

Our parish could be a shining light in our diocese if we are all prepared to make a sacrifice to God and offer a true proportion of what it is that He has given us. We often feel very isolated here in this part of the world but we need to feel that way if we are willing to make the effort. The very fact that our Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator chose our parish to make his first official visit shows us that we are a vital part of the Diocese. The funds that some of you have contributed to the Leap for Faith Capitol Campaign are being put to good use and are currently at work for your benefit and for the benefit of our parish.

Always remember, Abel gave his very best back to God in a sacrifice of thanksgiving and he was blessed. Cain gave back to God the thoughtless scraps of his table and he was accursed. So too can we all be blessed when we make a sacrifice and give our very best in the faith that God will bless us further.

As you all consider how it is that you give I urge you to keep before you to whom we owe all that we have, all that we are, and all that we shall be. As a way of motivation I have attached a chart that you should all pay close attention to. This chart is meant to be a tool to help you prayerfully, thankfully and faithfully decided on how it is that you give. I urge you all to be prayerful, thankful, faithful witnesses of the God from whom all good things flow.

Wendy Faye and Magdalene join with me in wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving. May it be filled with plenteousness, joy and the blessings of our God.

With God’s blessings, I am,
Faithfully yours,
The Reverend M. Elliott Siteman

Thursday, October 05, 2006

8 October 2006 - Harvest Thanksgiving

Our services for this week are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
7pm Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come and give thanks to the Lord for his many gifts freely bestowed upon us all!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

1 October 2006 - the 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Services this week are scheduled for:

11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

All are welcome in the house of the Lord

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Services for the next few weeks

9 September 2006 - Seniors' Supper Celebration
4pm Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's Church Hall

10 September 2006 - the 14th Sunday after Pentecost
11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's

17 September 2006 the 15th Sunday after Pentecost
11am Morning Prayer, St. Andrew's
7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's

24 September 2006 the 16th Sunday after Pentecost
11am Morning Prayer, St. John's
7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's

Friday, September 01, 2006

3 September 2006 - 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Our services this week are scheduled for:

9am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

All are welcome!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

27 August 2006 - the 12th Sunday after Pentecost

Services this week are scheduled for:

9am Baptism and Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour
11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish

Come and worship, come and worship, come and worship our King!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

20 August 2006 - the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

This week our services are scheduled for:

9am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
11am Baptism & Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come join with us as we welcome Fiona Kate Lambert into the Household of Faith!

All are welcome at our services of worship

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

13 August 2006 - the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Our services this week are scheduled for:

9am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

All are welcome to come and worship at the altar of our Lord.

Monday, July 31, 2006

6 August 2006 - Festival of the Transfiguration

The services in our Parish this week are scheduled for:

9am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish
11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour

Come, let us worship together.


Recently we have been posting our times and schedule on our Rector's blog. Now we have our own space to do this. This blog will have service times, announcements and news from our Parish. We hope you will check back here regularly.